Saturday, December 9, 2006


Please, take your time to examine the two flag images, and give your valuable comments regarding the new flags.

Sunshine Flag

Unification Flag

We have loved very much the pictures of the Southern-Northern Korean Athlete Delegations holding together the Korea Unification Flag at the Olympic Games; therefore, we would like to design the new flag for them. Hopefully, the new flag image could be also a meaningfully useful contribution to the Korean's efforts in obtaining the peaceful unification of Korea.

It is certainly a great pleasure to have comments from everyone, especially from Koreans, who are concerned about the peaceful unification of Korea and the accordingly symbolized new Korea national flag.

Before the new flag will be accepted by all Koreans, domestic and overseas, through a general referendum, it can be surely used by the Korean Athlete Delegations at the Olympic Games from now on.

Please, take your time to examine the flag image and the explanation of its meaning
as follows:

The new flag is named "New Korea Sunshine Flag" or "Unification Sunshine Flag"
or in short "Sunshine Flag".
The flag image is identified as follows:

The background of the flag is composed of Two Equal Right-Angled Triangles with the Same Hypotenuse including the White Right-Angled Triangle at the base of the flag represents the geographical location of Korea on the Earth where there is a lot of snow in winter and the Blue Right-Angled Triangle at the top of the flag represents Serenity, the crystal-clear sky, free from trouble airspace of Korea.

The White Right-Angled Triangle and the Blue Right-Angled Triangle also represent the Southern Koreans and the Northern Koreans who are always equal and have their Patriotism in common that is symbolized by the Same Hypotenuse.
Because every Korean is truly patriotic, no one may take advantage of patriotism or may monopolize patriotism to dominate and govern coercively the Korean People.

The Green Map of Entire Korea located at the base of the flag, the White Right-Angled Triangle, represents the sovereignty and peacefully unified country of Korea. The Green Map also symbolizes the vital environment of Korea that is full of life and force.

One Gold Sun with Twelve Equally Pointed Sunrays located at the middle of the flag, at the eastside of the Korea Map, symbolizes the Sunshine all over the country of Korea bringing Vitality, Best Wishes, and Happiness into the life of the Korean People.

Designed and copyrighted by Tran Nam-Viet
Please, take your time to examine the two flag images, and give your valuable comments regarding the new flags.

Unification Flag

Sunshine Flag